We love nothing more than being able to redesign a garden for our clients that is easy to maintain and looks amazing when its finished. We specialise in many landscaping services that are all carried out by our expert team.
As you can see from the images, we had our work cut out for us with this large garden. Our clients wanted us to remove the whole lawn and replace it with sandstone paving slabs to the back and the side of their house.
So to start with, the lawn was dug up and loaded onto our truck. We also removed some bushes and shrubs that were growing at the back of the house. To the side of the house, there was some old concrete steps and a concrete patheway. These were removed by our team of landscapers.
They then began building a raised patio area using red bricks. New steps leading up to the back doors were also included in the design. The sandstone slabs were laid within the patio area, with steps leading down to the next level. This was also covered using the same sandstone paving slabs. Again, two more steps were built leading down to the final level of the garden where we created another patio area using different shaped sandstone patio slabs. This would create a lovely circular design. This garden would now be easy to maintain throughout the year.